Monday, November 18, 2013

About Mutts and Munchkins

Welcome to Mutts and Munchkins! 

This first post is to let you know what the blog is all about.

Do It Yourself (on the cheap)

I have an eye for side-of-the-road finds, free stuff giveaways, and the perfectly useful old version of things. Paying retail, or really, paying anything, makes a project less exciting to me. Usually, that's because I like to just do something when the inspiration hits. If I have to go to the store or order something, that delays the project and it might not get done.

This blog is a place to post my projects, and anything else I'm inspired by that be useful to others. I started it because I couldn't find a post on DIY Sleepy Wings, which would be useful because the real ones seen to have limited availability in the USA.

This blog is not about pretty pictures, though I know those get more views. But let's face it:
Fancy Digital Camera = Not Cheap
So, I just take pictures with my phone and you'll get the idea.

Mutts and Munchkins

So, if the blog is about my little projects and such, why the name? Well, it's a Mommy Blog, so it needs a cute name, right? But also, I have two doggies and one child. So my projects are likely to be done out of a desire to please them. Though, I warn you, my doggies derive pleasure out of tearing toys apart, so those projects are short-lived. The child is too little to appreciate the projects done for him, but we all know most of those projects are mostly for me anyway (nursery decor, cloth diaper elastic replacements, closet organization, etc.).

The Mutts

Ruffles and Remington
I have two doggies, both from the same litter. They're my muttskis. We don't know what breeds may be in them. But it might be something like Lab/Boxer. The boy is brown brindle, and his name is Remington. The girl is white with black spots (splotches), and her name is Ruffles.

The Munchkins

My husband and I currently have one munchkin: a boy born on the first day of Fall. For the blog, I'll call him Maple Munchkin. If a girl shows up later, I think she'll be called Magnolia Munchkin, to stick with the tree theme.

The Mom

Family Photo
My name is Tiffany. I'm a stay at home mom now (Thank you, Joshua!), but I used to work for a web company as a project manager. I live in south Florida, a transplant from central Florida (bonus points if you've heard of Cypress Gardens). I hope one or two posts can be useful for you. Thanks for visiting!

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